I thrive for creativity,
design & innovation

Undeterred & restless person trapped in a creative soul.
An autodidactic geek with entrepreneurial mind.
A passionate product designing enthusiast who sees beauty in the simplest of things.

A hardcore bibliophile - Goodreads

And a creative writer - Wordpress

An explorer in pursuit of something new specially if its challenging. Oh! I sing too for my own band Transition_Redefined.

Things I'm interested in.

There's a lot but to name just few!

College has been a vast learning opportunity for me. From robotics to hacking, singing to dancing and of course entrepreneurship, I explored numerous things during my freshmen and sophomore year. Life has been pretty hectic but the fun of learning new things overshadowed the sense of tiredness.

Amidst my exploration I needed something to specialize in, which I would be known for. Thus I started learning UI/UX design and web development. Later I worked as the Web Coordinator for our technical fest ηvision. The learning was huge and now that experience helps me in improvising upon my product designing skills.

I'm a passionate gift maker. This is the reason through which I acquired most of my skills - writing, designing, photography, cinematography, art and much more. Strong believer in 'make gifts for people' because at the end of the day, your responsibility is towards the gift itself.

Currently I'm working on-

Entrepreneurship & Technology - Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.


Centre for Healthcare Entrepreneurship

Exploring the healthcare sector in India to bring the next medical device revolution. Started as an intern and now a fellow. Learning to apply my engineering skills for the good of humanity.


Self-balancing Smartphone Cinematography Pod

An improvement over the previous prototype we built last semester. Developing a responsive stabilizing equipment to shoot professional videos with smartphones on bumpy terrains.

droplet bot

Freelancing - Design, Art, Networking, Communication

Nothing professional as such. Taking design classes to hone my sketching skills. Improvising on concept development and visual communication. And many more top secret things.

Previously I've worked on-

Product Designing Projects. Do. Learn. Have fun.

Phantom 2.0 Drone

IBM Bluemix Drone Ideathon

Successfully completed this hackathon to develop a module for remote threat detection. Read the blog post here.


Cinematography Pod

Successfully built 'Cinepad'- a low cost smartphone cinematography equipment which provides much flexibility and stability for cinematic video capturing. Find the presentation slides here.

EML IIT Hyderabad

Worked in multiple domains but mainly as graphic designer. Created the logo & backdrops for social media pages. Also made the posters for the events. Find my works here.

Get in touch

I would love to hear from you.